Industrial Human Resource Competence

In order to reduce the competency gap between education / training graduates and the needs of the industrial sector in Indonesia, the education / training orientation that has been supply driven must be changed to become demand driven. Therefore, practitioners in the industry must be directly involved to inform the competency needs that exist in their respective fields in the form of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia / SKKNI).

SKKNI will later be used as a reference for:

  1. Competency-Based Education / Training Program (until with the learning modules) for the learning process at the education / training institutions.
  2. Preparation of a Certification Scheme for the competency test process at the Professional Certification Body (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi / LSP).

With this concept, the ability of graduates of educational / training institutions will be in accordance with the needs of the industry and graduates will also be able to have competency certificates after going through a competency test at LSP. Workers who are already working in the industry also need to obtain competency certificates as a form of recognition of their abilities.

Please note that in international agreements such as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) for example, what will be notified for the exit and entry of labor between countries is through a certificate of competence, not a diploma.

Competency Based Training Program

Competency-based education or training is education or job training that focuses on mastering work ability which includes knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with established standards and requirements in the workplace.

Basic principles of Competency Based Training:

  1. Implemented based on the results of the training needs identification (gap competency) which is carried out through the Competency Test
  2. There is recognition of existing competencies.
  3. Student centered and individualized.
  4. Implemented with an articulated system that allows participants to start and end training programs at different times and levels, according to the abilities of each trainee (Multi-entry / multi-exit)
  5. Each training participant is assessed based on the achievement of competencies in accordance with competency standards; and
  6. Implemented by a registered or nationally accredited training institute.

Competency Certification Infrastructure

Competency certification is carried out through a competency test that refers to competency standards to ensure the quality of industrial workforce. The following is the competency certification infrastructure in Indonesia:

    As a reference for the preparation of Certification Schemes (test schemes) and Competency Test Materials (Materi Uji Kompetensi / MUK) at LSP.
  • LSP
    Institution authorized to give recognition to a person's competence in a field of work (certification).
  • Competency Assessors
    Competency assessor: a person who is assigned to conduct assessments in competency tests.
  • Competency Test Place (Tempat Uji Kompetensi / TUK)
    The place to conduct competency tests.

Competency Infrastructure